Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thank You For This Special Day

Hmmm... Another year had passed... Another year to add in my number... But what does a special day really mean?  Why do we need to remember a day for us?  For many years of my life, I had enjoyed the beautiful wonders of life.  Ups and downs were so many to  be counted. But most of the time, we tend to forget one of the essence of living -- to be thankful.  Reflecting on what we are truly thankful for each year is so crucial, and so easily forgotten, in our busy day-to-day lives. There is less doubt in my mind now that being thankful is one of the best ways to hit "the Pause" on all of the craziness that surrounds me, and simply be in gratitude, at least for a day.

In fact, We don't need a special day to give thanks.  We don't even need a special reason to be of gratitude. The reality is that we all have something to be thankful for regardless of what you’re going through right now.Even if you think your life is not as good as it should be, you ought to be thankful that it’s not as bad as it could be! No matter how bad you have it right now, there is someone who has it worse and would willingly change places with you right now. And chances are that person is more thankful than you are. We must remember in all things to give thanks

Life is wonderful! It all depends how we view things from their perspective.  Most of the time, I had been into too many difficult times, but I should still be thankful, because without it, I may not be who I am today. Right now, I am facing another difficult time in my life. But, having it will be a remarkable event for this chapter of my book.  

I want to take this time to thank the ONE who had given me life, for those years he had given me.   I am also very sorry that I always forget to give thanks and put value on all of the things that he had bestowed. 

LORD, Thank you so much for I woke up another day. A day so special to celebrate.  Thank you for letting me enjoy life for many years. Thank you for all the joys and pains, laughter and sorrows and all the people you had given me to touch my life for the past years.

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